There Are Billions of Stories Down There.

We Position Yours.

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Unsere aktuellen Nachrichten


Warum Xiaohongshu zur Brücke zwischen China und den USA wird


YUMIKO: „Der Film „Black Swan“ machte unsere Marke schlagartig bekannt“


Fachbuch betrachtet Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Our mission

We uniquely communicate businesses by bringing their story to life – in all its facets, in a myriad different ways, and at the right touchpoints.

Story Strategists

Every company is an original, with a unique story to tell. This insight is at the heart of all our work – whether it is developing a communication strategy or implementing it.

Technology Translators

We have been working for technology-driven companies since our founding days. From IT to engineering, from mobility to consumer electronics, space or robotics: We are passionate about the innovations of tomorrow.

East Asia Experts

Storymaker has a lot of expertise in East Asia. Among other things, our intercultural teams help German companies reach Chinese customers and support Japanese companies with conquering the European market.

"When it comes to good communication, morals matter. That’s why we commit ourselves to a sustainable, respectful and ethical conduct – in our internal as well as our external affairs."

Heidrun Haug, founder of Storymaker

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Produkte und Werte, die verbinden

Wie Kommunikation #besonders wird