Shaping the future in a sustainable, positive way – that is the goal of most Storymaker customers. And the basis of our work.
Storymaker has been a partner of the Weltethos Institute (Global Ethic Institute) in Tübingen since 2019. In a joint initiative, we started the project "Responsible Communication", which today involves multiple agencies and experts. Corporate communication can play an important role in shaping the digital transformation as well as the sustainable development of organizations. But for this to happen, communicators must be involved in decision-making, gain knowledge about ethical principles and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, and be able to position themselves with an eye to the future.We offer consulting, support and training to help them achieve this.
Marketing and communication are among the biggest application areas for artificial intelligence. And while voice or image assistants and communication analysis can offer enormous potential, they also present a number of risks and potential gray areas. Who bears responsibility for automated content? How can we control chatbots and the black box, how reconcile personalized user data with data protection? We grapple with questions like these in the Cyber Podcast featuring experts from the worlds of science, technology and business. And we support you with communicating issues around artificial intelligence and other innovations – both internally and externally.