
Schwanthaler Strasse 73
80336 Munich

"In Munich, a lot of what characterizes us as an agency comes together: technology, East Asia connections, a whole lot of good stories, and great beer gardens to foster a team spirit."

Björn Eichstädt, Managing Partner and Munich resident by choice

A Finger on the Pulse

From new mobility and space travel to quantum computing and the Internet of Things: Munich is home to research institutions, corporations and start-ups working on a wide range of future issues. Back in the 2000s, several Storymaker employees worked from their Munich home offices. In 2013, we found ourselves an office, and ever since, a Munich team has been working for our clients close to the venue of the world-famous Oktoberfest. The international and technological communities, events and trade fairs that the Bavarian capital has to offer are never far away.

Discover our Other Locations


Derendinger Straße 50
72072 Tübingen


WeWork at Sony Center
Kemperplatz 1 Mitte D
10785 Berlin


Unit 813, 4/F Mayfair Tower
83 Fumin Road, Jingan District
200040 Shanghai