We communicate stories - here is ours.

Each company is a story. Discovering this story, sharing it with the world and turning companies into success stories was the mission of technology journalist Heidrun Haug when she founded Storymaker in 2001. Today, a team of more than 40 people works with passion and expertise to make this vision a reality for our customers.

This is Us

Dedicated journalists, digital natives, PR specialists, technology experts, authors, directors, graphic designers, moderators, project managers – we are a team with many different backgrounds and strengths. It is this diversity that makes us who we are: A strong "we" in which every "I" can flourish. We are driven by an enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, innovation and storytelling. What unites us is the conviction that business has to serve people and our shared values: respect, quality, and taking pleasure in our work.


Communication Experts





More than 20 Years on the Market

Every company's story begins even before its founded.– in Heidrun Haug's case, with her work as an editor for one of Germany's first computer magazines. Back in the 1980s, she wrote about artificial intelligence, computer-integrated manufacturing and process optimization. Her communications support covered the evolution of IDS Scheer AG, a beacon in the German software and process management scene, from startup to IPO and eventual exit. IT companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Computer Associates were her first PR clients.

With the arrival of Björn Eichstädt, co-partner and managing director, the company expanded from press relations to digital and visual communication. Heidrun Haug opened the first German PR agency in China, while Björn Eichstädt became interested in Japanese companies and their culture and began helping Japanese companies in Germany.

A common understanding of values is the foundation for both management and communications work at Storymaker. This has resulted in a strong team of conscientious employees who advise and support clients in their communications challenges with respect, high quality, and enthusiasm for their work.

The People behind Storymaker

Heidrun Haug

Founder and managing partner

In 2001, Heidrun Haug founded Storymaker with the goal of transforming companies into success stories – our mission to this day.

Björn Eichstädt

Managing Partner

Technology, the digital world, and Japan – these are the topics that inspire Björn Eichstädt. He managed to turn his passions into a profession and rose from the agency's first trainee to a managing director and partner.

Theresa Stewart

Managing Partner

The passionate networker and China expert joined Storymaker in Germany coming from China in 2020. She opened the agency’s office in Berlin, took a stake in Storymaker and became a Managing Partner in 2022.

Marc Voland

Head of Story  

As the mastermind behind our story methodology, Marc Voland is always there as a strategic advisor to our clients, where the core of the company needs to be fathomed.

More about Marc Voland

Sylvia Lichtenberger

Director Finance & Human Resources

Well-known to clients and applicants alike, Sylvia Lichtenberger has been taking care of our finances – and all employee needs – since the agency's founding days.

Adam Lou

General Manager Storymaker (China) Ltd. in Shanghai

Our Managing Director for Storymaker China and his team support customers from Shanghai – at trade fairs, with storytelling, and around the latest technology trends.