More than facts and functions

Behind every technology lies an exciting story – you just have to find it. We help you communicate even complex issues in a way that is easy to understand.

Technology Meets Story

Innovation and technology are deeply rooted in Storymaker's history – ever since IT and business journalist Heidrun Haug founded Storymaker in 2001. 
Then as now, features and functions were often the focus of technology companies' communication strategies. Whether it's a machine builder, an IT consultancy or an automotive company – we help companies tell "the whole story".

Comprehend, Condense, Communicate

Technology-driven companies of different persuations are at the heart of our work. Whether it's mobility, automation or engineering: We are convinced that even complex technology topics are full of exciting stories. Conveying these in a way that is holistic yet comprehensible and relevant to the respective target audience is what we see as our central responsibility – as much in content creation as in digital marketing or in traditional PR. In addition to Western companies from the mechanical engineering, engineering, automotive and IT sectors, the high-tech world of East Asia also plays an increasingly important role for Storymaker.

Shaping the Future through Technology

Future industries such as robotics, environmental technology, artificial intelligence and space have expanded our client portfolio in recent years. But at the core, our focus remains the same: to capture a company's overall story and convey it to stakeholders. After all, a public acceptance of new technologies is only possible if there is a growing understanding of and trust in the companies behind them.

Contact us

Our experts look forward to hearing from you - and to a non-binding discussion:

Björn Eichstädt

Managing Partner

Marc Voland

Head of Story
Technology focus: IT

Einblicke in unsere Technologie Projekte

Ordung im Datendschungel

Produkte und Werte, die verbinden

Die Story als Businessbeschleuniger