WeChat marketing: a must in China

Chinese companies or consumers are important target audiences for you? Then WeChat is not just a useful tool – it's a necessity.

Chinese Do it Digitally

In China, WeChat is an inevitable part of everyday life. More than one billion people use the super app every month. No other communication service is accessed more frequently and for longer than WeChat in China, not even a browser. Why?

Simply put: For most Chinese users, the smartphone is their gateway to the internet - at home as well as in the office. And WeChat is the most important interface. After all, the app combines a wide range of functions in one platform: chatting with friends, building up business contacts, ordering a taxi, paying bills, marketing, selling, and buying products – Chinese people do it all in one app. The leap from offline to online is simple and direct, either via QR codes, mobile payment with WeChat Pay or the increasingly popular mini-programs.

A woman scans a WeChat QR code in a store

When does WeChat marketing pay off?

Chinese people do not only use WeChat in their private lives. In the B2B sector, an official account fulfils a similar function as a company website. By the end of 2017, the platform already had 3.5 million such accounts. Here, companies present themselves to their target audiences and provide them with high-quality content - be it brand communication in the B2C context or product marketing in the B2B sector. No matter whether you want to reach Chinese consumers or companies: WeChat is the central information platform for communication professionals in China.

WeChat Communication with Storymaker

Regardless of whether you have a Chinese or German business licence: Storymaker can open a WeChat Official Account on your behalf to which you hold all the rights. In addition, we can run your ads on the Tencent Ad Network.

We offer:

  • Audits on visibility in the Chinese social web
  • Strategy development for WeChat – B2B and B2C
  • Opening WeChat Official Accounts
  • Content creation and posting
  • Community building and community management
  • Management of sponsored posts and ads
  • Influencer Relations/KOL Collaborations
  • Live coverage at events
  • Seminars, workshops and coaching
  • from basic knowledge to practical training
Theresa Stewart during a WeChat workshop for a client

China Digital Marketing News

Warum Xiaohongshu zur Brücke zwischen China und den USA wird

New Marketing durch Livestreaming: Eine digitale Konsumrevolution

Die Welt des E-Commerce: Die Top 5 Plattformen – und China hat die Nase vorn

Einblicke in unsere WeChat-Projekte

Kreative WeChat Kampagnen für Chinesisch Neujahr

Frischer Wind für die Messekommunikation

Ein Stück Stuttgart nach China bringen

Contact us

Our experts look forward to hearing from you - and to a non-binding discussion:

Björn Eichstädt

Managing Partner

Theresa Stewart

Managing Partner
