Media & Multipliers

Communicating a company's story to the right touchpoints with exciting and relevant topics – that is our understanding of public relations.

Making Companies Visible

Industry, business or daily media, print or online, radio, TV or influencer platforms – our PR specialists make sure that your company is being heard by journalists and the media. With a deep understanding of technology topics and international markets as well as decades of experience in working with the media, we position your topics exactly where they need to be. We are helped in this by our specially developed story method: It is the basis from which we develop new topics and points of contact for your company. Proactive, professional, creative.

Contact us

We have piqued your interest? Then we look forward to talking to you.

Heidrun Haug

Founder and managing partner

Insights into PR projects from Storymaker

PR for the factory of tomorrow

New Mobility on the move

New flight level for communication